Product image CLAMPEX KTR 700 Clamping elements rigid shaft coupling

Sabit şaft kaplini CLAMPEX KTR 700

8.350 Nm'ye kadar / boşluksuz, bükülmeye ve burulmaya dayanıklı şaft-şaft bağlantısı

CLAMPEX® clamping elements are shaft-hub-connections allowing for a backlash-free and non-positive connection between cylindric smooth shafts and hubs without keyway.

The clamping elements are clamped via integrated screws which are used for non-destructive untightening of the clamping elements in addition (Here series 50 forms the only exception).

Depending on the type the clamping elements are either untightened merely by declamping the screws or additionally pulling off the individual elements of the clamping set from each other.

Among others, CLAMPEX® clamping elements are preferred as an alternative to feather key connections.


  • boşluksuz, bükülmeye ve burulmaya dayanıklı şaft-şaft bağlantısı

  • radyal ve eksenel şaft kayması dengelenemez

  • tork ve eksenel kuvvet aynı anda aktarılır

  • 62 Nm ila 8.000 Nm aralığındaki tork kuvveti aktarılabilir

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