18.9.2023 - 23.8.2023 / Messe
World's leading trade fair for production technology
International production technology is changing at an unprecedented speed. As the world's leading trade fair for the machining industry and an international business platform, the EMO is not only part of this change - they are actively shaping it.
That is why the EMO is redefining theirselve: since the services and products of their exhibitors now extend far beyond metalworking, the focus is even more clearly on the entire production technology than before.
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Erleben Sie die Weltleitmesse neu - im September 2023.
EMO Hannover 2023 | 18 - 23. September
Öffnungszeiten der Messe
Montag bis Freitag
täglich, 9.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
9.00 Uhr bis 16.00 Uhr
D 30521 Hannover
KTR Stand D33, Halle 9