Hydraulic components

Only available here: KTR is the first coupling manufacturer to offer a design and configuration tool for hydraulic components. We take off some of the strain involved in producing the design concept for your hydraulic systems – if you are looking for suitably dimensioned tank heating systems, oil coolers, pump brackets, connections and additional components, that is. The results can also be instantly displayed to scale with WebViewer or in PDF format. You can then request your own individual online offer or place a direct order for the required components in the KTR shop. Now nothing will stand between you and your project!


Selection of bellhousings with new functions:

  • additional options e. g. venting hole
  • Link to 3D SpaceCenter
  • Drawings as PDF file
  • user-friendly design

Selection program

KTR tank heaters

Start: Calculation KTR tank heaters. It goes without saying that the KTR team will be pleased to answer further questions.