Data protection webinars

1. Copyright notice for  presentations
The given presentation including the texts, overviews and illustrations contained therein is copyright protected. Duplication and dissemination is permitted for internal purposes only. Any other use  – in particular the publication and making available to the public as well as disclosure to third parties  – requires the explicit prior consent of KTR Systems GmbH.

2. Data protection notice for login page and registration confirmation
The registration for the webinar is subject to our data protection notice for webinars that can be called at

3. Data protection notice for starting the webinar
When you enter the webinar room, your first name and last name is displayed in the list of participants and – if used by you – in the chat. Your camera and your microphone are disabled until the moderator shares this function with the participants and you enable it yourself, which is, however, not necessary for participating in the seminar. Please note that the webinar is recorded for internal purposes. Further information is listed in our data protection notice for webinars.

4. Data protection notice for webinars
We are bound by law to inform you about the processing of your personal data  (hereinafter referred to as „data“) with the participation in our webinars (hereinafter referred to as „webinars“). We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. The present instruction on data protection informs you about details of processing of your data as well as your legal rights related thereto. Legal definitions that are included in article 4 DSGVO (general data protection regulation) shall be decisive for terminologies such as, for example,  „personal data“ or „processing“.

The data protection statement shall exclusively apply for our webinars. Data protection notices for using our website are available at

Person in charge
Responsible for processing of personal data within the scope of this data protection declaration is:

KTR Systems GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 25
48432 Rheine
Phone: +49 5971 798-0

Questions related to data protection
Should you have any questions about the subject of data protection related to the participation in our webinars or other processing of your personal data in our company, you can either contact us or our data protection officer.

You can contact our data protection officer as follows:
René Floitgraf
CompliPro GmbH
Frankenstrasse 34
52223 Stolberg
Phone: +49 2402 9245980

For operating our webinars we use the webinar platform edudip, an offer posted by edudip GmbH, Jülicher Straße 306, 52070 Aachen (hereinafter referred to as: „edudip“). edudip utilizes the data transmitted by you on our behalf to allow you the participation in our webinar. We concluded a contract with edudip on processing orders according to article 28 DSGVO (general data protection regulation), stating that edudip becomes active solely in accordance with our instructions and is obliged to observe the provisions of data protection.

To protect your personal data the data is encoded and then transmitted to the platform.

For registering you have to enter the following details: first name, last name, company and e-mail address. Unfortunately those who fail to enter this compulsary data are excluded from participation in our webinars.

Once you have registered we will send you a registration confirmation by e-mail that will also include the link to the virtual webinar room.

The legal basis is article 6 paragraph 1 page 1 lit. b DSGVO (general data protection regulation).

We will delete the data accruing in this context once the processing is no longer necessary – usually 12 months after having completed the webinar – or limit the processing to observing the existing mandatory legal storage periods, where appropriate.

When entering the virtual webinar room via the link included in your registration confirmation your first name and last name is displayed in the list of participants. In addition your full name is dispayed in the chat when you enter any data. For reason of transparency provision of this data is necessary for all participants to participate in the webinar. Anonymous participation is not possible.

Your camera and your microphone are disabled when you enter the webinar room until you enable them yourself. Enabling is not necessary for participating in the webinar. If you enable your camera and/or sound, all other participants can see respectively hear you. The moderator of the webinar is in a position to turn off your camera and mute your microphone. Turning on by the moderator is only possible if you have enabled the camera and/or microphone before.

The legal basis is article 6 paragraph 1 page 1 lit. b DSGVO (general data protection regulation).

We record our webinars to evaluate them internally afterwards and utilize them for training purposes. Apart from the presentation these recordings comprise the chat record showing your name and your questions/comments. Apart from that image and sound recording of you may be included if you have enabled your camera and/or your microphone within the framework of the webinar. 

The legal basis is article 6 paragraph 1 page lit. f DSGVO (general data protection regulation). It serves for our interest for analysing and optimising our webinars and other product information.
You can file an objection to processing. Your right of objection is composed of those reasons resulting from your particular situation (see „your rights“). You can send us your objection via the contact data specified in the chapter „Supplier in charge“.

Your rights
In view of your personal data you have the following rights which you may assert against us:

Right to information: You may request information about your personal data that we process according to article 15 DSGVO (general data protection regulation).

Right to adjustment: If the respective data is no longer correct, you may request adjustment according to article 16 DSGVO (general data protection regulation). Should your data be incomplete, you may request completion.

Right to deletion: You may request deletion of your personal data according to article 17 DSGVO (general data protection regulation).

Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request restriction of our personal data according to article 18 DSGVO (general data protection regulation). 

Right to object to processing: For reasons resulting from your particular situation you have the right to object to processing of our personal data based on article 6 paragraph 1 page lit. e or lit. f DSGVO (general data protection regulation), according to article 21 paragraph 1 DSGVO (general data protection regulation) at any time. In this case we will not process your data unless we can prove compelling and legitimate reasons for processing that predominate your interests, rights and freedoms, besides, if processing serves for asserting and exerting of or defending against legal rights (article 21 paragraph 1 DSGVO (general data protection regulation)). Moreover, you have the right according to article 21 paragraph 2 DSGVO to object to processing of personal data relating to you for the purpose of direct advertising at any time; this also applies to any profiling as far as it is linked to such direct advertising. We would refer you to the right to object in the present data protection statement in connection with the repective processing.

Right to object to your consent: Should you have granted your consent to processing, you have the right to object according to article 7 paragraph 3 DSGVO (general data protection regulation). 

Right to data portability: You have the right to be provided with your personal data you made availabe to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format („data portability“) as well as the right to onward transmission of such data to another person in charge, provided that the conditions of article 20 paragraph 1 lit. a, b DSGVO (general data protection regulation) are met (article 20 DSGVO (general data protection regulation).
You are entitled to assert your rights by notification to the contact data listed in paragraph „person in charge“ respectively the data protection officer designated by us.

If the view is taken that processing of your personal data violates the data protection law, you have the right  to complain to a data protection regulatory authority at your own discretion according to article 77 DSGVO (general data protection regulation). This also includes the data protection regulatory authority that is responsible for the person in charge: Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen (State Data Protection and Freedom-of-Information Officer of North Rhine-Westfalia), Postfach (postbox) 200444, 40102 Düsseldorf, 0211/38424-0,