8/11/2024 / Company
On Tuesday, KTR presented a donation totaling 10,000 euros to the TC Rodde Igels, an association for the promotion and support of the German Children's Cancer Aid, and the Kinderkrebshilfe Münster e.V. The money was collected at the 2nd charity kubb tournament, which KTR held in August on the sports grounds of Eintracht Rodde. Our picture shows Rainer Schwital (Kinderkrebshilfe Münster) as well as Veronika Heeke and Florian Siefert (TC Rodde Igels) surrounded by Dr Mareike Tacke, KTR shareholder (left), and the KTR organization team.
“It was a wonderful occasion to meet here,” said Dr Mareike Tacke, shareholder, and René Edelbusch on behalf of the KTR organization team, welcoming the guests Veronika Heeke and Florian Siefert from TC Rodde Igels and Rainer Schwital from Kinderkrebshilfe Münster e. V., who were delighted with the donations of 8,000 euros and 2,000 euros respectively for the benefit of Kinderkrebshilfe. She thanked the KTR organization team and all the volunteers for their hard work.
KTR plans to hold a KUBB tournament again next year, and planning has already begun. The date will be announced at the end of the year.